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VenaSeal™ Closure

VenaSeal™ Closure is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat varicose veins. It uses a medical adhesive to seal the affected veins, improving blood flow and reducing symptoms.


We offer VenaSeal™ as a safe and reliable treatment for patients with varicose veins. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and receive a tailored treatment plan for the best possible outcome.

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What You Should Know About VenaSeal™ Closure

What Is VenaSeal™ Closure?

VenaSeal™ Closure is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins. It involves using a medical adhesive that is injected into the affected vein, sealing it shut and redirecting blood flow to healthier veins. This procedure eliminates the need for incisions, making it a comfortable option for patients seeking relief from varicose veins.


Why Is VenaSeal™ Closure Needed?

VenaSeal™ Closure is needed to address the symptoms and complications associated with varicose veins. Varicose veins occur when the valves in the veins malfunction, causing blood to pool and the veins to become enlarged and twisted. This can result in discomfort, pain, swelling, and cosmetic concerns. 


VenaSeal™ Closure offers a solution by sealing off the diseased veins, redirecting blood flow to healthier veins and improving circulation. It helps alleviate symptoms such as pain, heaviness, and leg fatigue, enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals with varicose veins.


What Are The Possible Risks And Complications Of VenaSeal™ Closure?

While VenaSeal™ Closure is a safe and effective treatment for varicose veins, there are potential risks and complications associated with the procedure. These may include:


  • Deep vein thrombosis

  • Infection and inflammation of the vein

  • In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the adhesive 


Consult Dr Desmond Ooi and discuss any concerns or specific medical conditions before undergoing VenaSeal™ Closure treatment.



Before VenaSeal™ Closure treatment, patients will typically undergo a pre-procedure evaluation, including ultrasound testing. This diagnostic procedure helps Dr Desmond Ooi accurately assess the affected veins and determine the most appropriate treatment plan. The ultrasound allows for a detailed visualisation of the veins, their size, and any underlying issues, enabling precise targeting during the VenaSeal™ Closure procedure.


What Happens During The VenaSeal™ Closure Procedure?

The VenaSeal™ Closure procedure is a relatively quick one with a few steps.


  1. A catheter is inserted into the affected vein 

  2. The adhesive is delivered into the catheter

  3. Light pressure is applied so the vein walls can stick together and close off

  4. The catheter is removed 


This treatment process is guided by imaging techniques such as ultrasound to ensure accuracy and precision.



After the VenaSeal™ Closure procedure, you will be taken into a recovery room to rest and recover from the treatment. The procedure itself is minimally invasive, allowing for a relatively quick recovery. Mild bruising may occur around the treated area, but this is a common and temporary side effect that will fade over time.

Will My Blood Flow Normally After The Procedure?

Blood flow will return to normal after VenaSeal™ Closure treatment. The body will absorb the treated veins, and blood will flow through healthy veins. In fact, VenaSeal™ Closure can improve blood flow by reducing the amount of blood that pools in the affected veins.

What Is Recovery Like After VenaSeal™ Closure?

After undergoing VenaSeal™ Closure treatment, the recovery period is relatively short. Patients can expect to resume their daily activities quickly. 


It is important to take it easy during the initial recovery phase and avoid engaging in vigorous exercise or activities that may strain the treated area. However, gentle walking is encouraged as it promotes blood circulation and aids in the healing process. 


It is advised to follow the specific post-procedure instructions provided by our medical team to ensure optimal recovery.

Dr Desmond Ooi: VenaSeal™ Closure Treatment in Singapore

Dr Desmond Ooi offers VenaSeal™ Closure treatment in Singapore as a minimally invasive alternative to patients suffering from varicose veins or venous ulcers. Dr Desmond Ooi has extensive knowledge and training in treating varicose veins and other venous disorders.


Dr Ooi and his team of healthcare professionals are committed to providing personalised care and support to each patient, ensuring their needs and concerns are addressed throughout the treatment process. Make an appointment with Dr Desmond Ooi for your varicose vein treatment.

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