Providing Compassionate Patient-Centered Care
Varicose Veins Treatment
in Singapore
Dr. Desmond Ooi provides specialised treatments for patients with varicose veins in Singapore, offering a variety of procedures such as, endovenous radiofrequency ablation, sclerotherapy, venaseal closure, and stripping and ligation. He is experienced in treating patients with varying degrees of severity, from those with mild symptoms to those with more advanced stages of varicose veins. Dr. Ooi and his team are dedicated to providing personalised care and support throughout the recovery process, ensuring patients receive the best possible outcome with minimal downtime.

With us, you can expect to receive:

Over 15 years of clinical experience, diagnosing and treating patients.
Patient-Centered Care
We take away the uncertainty of recovery through sincere guidance every step of the way.
Advanced Technology
Utilising modern technology to ensure a safe, smooth treatment and support faster recovery.

Conditions We Treat:

Vascular & Endovascular
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
Carotid Artery Disease

General Surgery
Lipoma Sebaceous Cysts
Gallbladder Stones
Abdominal Pain
Emergency Surgery

Get in Touch!
Drop us a message below and we will be happy to help! Our team will get back to you within 24 hours. For urgent matters, please call us at +65 8313 4212